Support and advice

Apprenticeships Victoria is here to enable real and rewarding apprenticeships and traineeships for all kinds of Victorians. 

Young people just starting out in the workforce. 

Workers aiming to re-skill and make a fresh start. 

Retrenched apprentices and trainees looking to get back on track with training. 

Women, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates.

Figuring out your career goals, and the opportunities available to you, can be tough no matter who you are. Everyone needs support sometimes. And we know that getting support while starting, re-starting, working through and finishing up your apprenticeship or traineeship is an important part of your success.  

Here are some ways we can help:

Apprenticeship Support Officers

Retrenched apprentice and trainee support

We partner with a lot of other helpful organisations, too. Whether you’re after individual face-to-face counselling, telephone services or helpful guidance online, here’s where to find out more about starting your career with an apprenticeship or traineeship:

Skills and Jobs Centres

Based in TAFEs across Victoria, Skills and Jobs Centres (SJCs) are your go-to service for advice on how to enter the workforce, start training and re-skill – including lots of great info on apprenticeships and traineeships. You don’t have to be a student to visit an SJC, so anyone can go along and get free help and advice. Head here to find out more about SJCs and find your local centre.

Schools, TAFEs and universities

If you’re already enrolled in learning, talk to your careers counsellor about what kind of job pathway might suit you. They should be able to guide you through options, and point you towards other specialist career services that are available to you.

Australian Apprenticeship Pathways

Australian Apprenticeship Pathways is an Australia-wide digital info hub, full of advice for students and jobseekers. Explore job pathways and occupations in different industries, take literacy and numeracy quizzes to see where you need extra help, and find tailored info for adult apprentices as well as students and young people.

Apprenticeship Employment Network

Victoria’s largest apprentice and trainee employer network maintains a website with plenty of info and guidance for getting into an apprenticeship or traineeship. Find links to relevant courses and training organisations and browse apprentice vacancies online. 

Apprenticeship Network Provider

Your Apprenticeship Network Provider (ANP) offers free support services to apprentices and trainees all the way through your training, and even before you begin. This can include job-matching, as well as other support and direction in getting started. Have a look here to find your closest ANP.

Fair Work Ombudsman

General information on pay and entitlements for apprentices and trainees is available from the Fair Work Ombudsman.

Victorian Skills Gateway

You can use the Victorian Skills Gateway course search function to find the right course for your apprenticeship. Or just to have a look at what’s out there to be inspired about what your future career could look like. 

Victorian Registration & Qualifications Authority

Victorian Registration & Qualifications Authority regulates apprenticeships and traineeships in Victoria. Head here for nuts and bolts info on how apprenticeships and traineeships work, and the basics you need to get started. 

Wage Inspectorate Victoria

Wage Inspectorate Victoria investigates allegations of wage theft. They provide information via their website and through their Helpline.


WorkSafe Victoria

WorkSafe is Victoria’s workplace health and safety regulator, and workplace injury insurer. They provide a wide range of information and guidance on their website or via a telephone advisory service.