ASO privacy collection notice

The Apprenticeship Support Officer (ASO) privacy collection notice outlines how the program collects, uses and stores personal information. It details the privacy practices in place to protect your data and outlines your rights regarding information handling.

Privacy collection notice

If you participate in the Apprenticeship Support Officer (ASO) program, you consent to the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) collecting and storing case notes and personal information. This is so the ASO program can provide you with support and advice to help you successfully complete your apprenticeship; it's also so we can understand if all parties to the apprenticeship training contract are meeting their obligations.

If you participate in the ASO program, DJSIR will retain case notes and communication history about your contact with the program. In line with the Post Compulsory Education and Skills Training Services Retention & Disposal Authority: PROS 15/05, case notes and any additional information recorded in the ASO case management system will be stored for 15 years from the apprentice’s training completion (or cessation) date, then destroyed.

DJSIR is collecting and storing your information in line with the Victorian Information Privacy Principles and the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. Apprentice information may be shared with other organisations, such as regulators or training providers, under established data-sharing agreements or if compelled by law. In other cases, information will only be shared with your permission.

We may share information with:

  • other business areas in the department that can investigate and respond to apprenticeship-related concerns that you raise
  • your nominated Apprentice Connect Australia provider to help resolve any issues with your apprenticeship training contract or apprenticeship incentives
  • your nominated registered training organisation to help resolve any issues with your training or connect you to support services
  • other Victorian or Australian government departments or program areas that can help with supporting your apprenticeship or providing related services.

If you make a formal complaint about your apprenticeship that requires a referral to another organisation or department, we will seek your consent before your information is shared with that organisation. If you do not consent to your information being shared, we may be limited in the support we can provide to you and will not be able to escalate your complaint to the external organisation or government department (unless compelled by existing data-sharing agreements or law).

If you have any questions about how your personal information will be handled or would like to gain access to your information, you can contact the Apprenticeship Support Officer program on 1300 311 820 or Otherwise, you may refer to the department’s Privacy Policy(opens in a new window).
